Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Superman's Beard

I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking that this is one beautiful lumberjack.
You're wrong. 
Yes, he's beautiful, but he is not a lumberjack.
In fact, this is Henry Cavill.
He is the actor who will be playing the next Superman.

His face is beard-tastic.
I will give this beard 5 out of 5 beards.

Yes, I am this bored. Yes, I have a slight concussion so I'm not 100% sure how coherent I am. Hopefully tomorrow I will have beer to review. I'm going to go to the store tomorrow to get beer. So I'll review beer tomorrow. Suggestions?


I'm bored. I'm bored out of my skull.

So I decided to start this blog.

I will be doing reviews. Mostly on beards & beers (hence the title.) Though, I'll probably be reviewing books, movies, music, etc. Whatever tickles my fancy at the moment.

Tonight I'll be doing my first review. Probably on a beard.

If you have a beard you'd like for me to judge please send a picture of said beard along with your email/blog address to
